We source our seafood from harbors off the coast of Maine and Canada to bring traceable, sustainable lobster to customers around the world. Traceability from dock to plate is key to ensuring sustainability, and we are proud to trace every pound of our seafood to the harbor where it was caught so we know the regulations that bind that fishery to sustainable harvesting methods. We make a concerted effort to source all our products from producers and companies who use sustainable practices, are BIPOC owned or operated, or are family-owned whenever possible.
Maine’s lobster fishery is intentionally inefficient — rather than allowing companies to own big corporate fleets, every individual must own and operate their own boat and traps. This helps prevent overfishing and keeps money in local economies. So we don’t own boats or fishing licenses--we buy directly from either individual fishermen, or from fishermen’s co-ops.
A co-op is a business that is collectively owned by those who operate it. While a company-owned dock sets and keeps the profits from buying and selling lobster, fuel, and bait, a co-op uses their collective power to get fishermen the best prices on their inputs and outputs, and chooses as a community how to reinvest or distribute profits. We believe that buying whenever possible from co-ops, like the Port Clyde Fishermen’s Co-Op, the Friendship Fishermen’s Co-Op, and the Ceilidh Fishermen Co-Op, is the best way to use our purchasing to support the communities that provide our seafood.
Port Clyde Fishermen's Co-op
Meet the FishermenThe Port Clyde Fishermen's Coop is located on the St. George peninsula on the rocky coast of Maine. The coop has been supplying Luke's with lobster since 2013. In 2020, Luke's started buying halibut from the co-op as well.
Luke's Lobster at Portland Pier
Meet the FishermenIn 2019, when Luke's opened our flagship restaurant on Portland Pier, we also helped to rehabilitate the wharf and bring it back to safe working order, after years of being dilapidated. Today 5 fishermen land lobster there that we serve in our restaurant on Portland Pier, ship directly to customers around the country, and that we bring to our processing facility to steam, pick, and ship to all of our shacks.
Luke's Lobster at Boothbay Harbor
Meet the FishermenOur Boothbay Harbor wharf sits just minutes from all the action in downtown Boothbay Harbor, one of Maine's most traveled to vacation spots. Luke's partnered with the wharf in 2019.
Friendship Lobster Co-op
Meet the FishermenThe Friendship Lobster Co-op is consistently in the top 5 of lobster landings for the state of Maine, landing over 15 million pounds of lobster each year. Luke's began partnering with Friendship in 2014.
The Ceilidh Co-op is located in Port Hood, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. It was founded in 1985 and has a membership of over 100 fishermen who fish many different species throughout the year. These species consist of lobster, snow crab, Bluefin tuna, herring, mackerel, rock crab, and flounder. The Ceilidh Co-op fishes for lobster from May 1 through June 30, which complements the Maine lobster that Luke's sources heavily through the summer months.

Jonah Crab
- F/V Timberwolf, New Bedford, MA
- F/V Max and Emma, New Bedford, MA
- F/V Fishing Addiction, New Bedford, MA
- F/V Green Dragon, New Bedford, MA
- F/V Kim and Jake, New Bedford, MA

- La Crevette du Nord Atlantique, Gaspe, Quebec

Other products
Our Maine broadline distributor is Native Maine, and our national broadline distributor is USFoods. We consistently work with these companies to bring on our small, family-owned, sustainable brand partners, including:
- Soup: Hurricane's Soup and Chowder, Greene, ME
- Dairy: Cabot Cheese, Cabot, VT
- Pasta: Joseph's Gourmet Pasta, Haverhill Massachussets
- Beverages: Green Bee Beverages, Brunswick, ME
- Blueberries:
- Wyman's, Mildbridge, ME
- Passamaquoddy Blueberry Company, Columbia Falls, ME